Inga Arvad (1913-1973) journalist from danish origins, suspected by FBI to be a nazi spy, she had an affair with John Fitzgerald Kennedy c. 1940

XRD1728359 Inga Arvad (1913-1973) journalist from danish origins, suspected by FBI to be a nazi spy, she had an affair with John Fitzgerald Kennedy c. 1940; ( Inga Arvad (1913-1973) journaliste d’origine danoise, suspectee par le FBI d’etre une espionne nazie, elle eut une liaison avec le jeune John Fitzgerald Kennedy ici c. 1940 — Inga Arvad (1913-1973) journalist from danish origins, suspected by FBI to be a nazi spy, she had an affair with John Fitzgerald Kennedy c. 1940); PERMISSION REQUIRED FOR NON EDITORIAL USAGE; out of copyright
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